And, just to let everyone rest assured that my search for it, which is almost always guaranteed to be followed by my extreme and somewhat frightening fascination with it, has not ceased, this little story from last night's outting, which will be told through images that should, if one can manage it, be "synthesized" in the mind so as to conjure up a mental picture of what these four figures would look like if they were, in some sort of bizarre and parallel hell, to merge. (Wow what an insanely ridiculous and unnecessarily long sentence!!! Nicholas, I hope you're not hyperventilating.)
Hyped up on loads of carbs and cheese, Jd and I decided to go out for our usual "gin tonic digestivo." After several minutes at the bar and observing all the usual suspects in their usual places, I set my eyes on a creature that left me somewhere between stupified, horrified, and amazed! It looked
exactly like the monstrous yet (perhaps) gentle lovechild of the four following figures, all from popular American culture (in no particular order):
The emperor
Jaws (Roger Moore's worst enemy)
Jerry Blank
EEEggggggdddd. (Shivers, cold, cold shivers.) I think it was female. But then again, I was so fixated on the teeth, that all of the other deliciously horrific details and mysteries about the creature were lost.